Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 Upgrade: Maximize Your Sales & Customer Loyalty 

Soumi Biswas -Content Writer at eWay Corp, Wagento & B2Commerce.
Soumi Biswas June 16, 2023 6 min. read

Adobe Commerce 2.4.6

In the evolving realm of eCommerce, staying updated is not just an option, but a necessity. If you’re still on the fence about upgrading to Adobe Commerce 2.4.6, let’s have a chat. Firstly, this isn’t just another routine update; it’s a significant leap forward that can revolutionize your customer experience and give your business a competitive edge. Hence, let’s delve into the reasons why this upgrade is a game-changer for your online store. 

Why Upgrade to Adobe Commerce 2.4.6?

You might be wondering, “Why should I upgrade to the latest Adobe Commerce version? My current version works just fine.”  

Well, let’s put it this way: a horse carriage might get you from point X to point Y, but wouldn’t you prefer connecting in a sleek, modern car with all the latest features? 

The same principle applies to your eCommerce platform. Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 is packed with enhancements that can streamline your operations, boost your site’s performance, and, most importantly, elevate your customer experience. 

Furthermore, this Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 upgrade offers a plethora of benefits that are hard to ignore. So, why settle for less when you can embrace the future of eCommerce with Adobe Commerce? 

The Cost of Not Upgrading

The Cost of Not Upgrading to Adobe Commerce 2.4.6

While the benefits of upgrading to Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 are clear, it’s equally important to understand the potential costs of not upgrading. Here are some key pain points that you might face if you choose to stick with an outdated version: 

Slow Site Performance

Firstly, a slow site can significantly impact on your sales and customer loyalty. According to a study by Queue-it, 40% of shop peppers won’t wait more than 3 seconds before abandoning an eCommerce site. 

Moreover, a 1-second reduction in load time can result in a conversion rate increase of 5.6%. In other words, failing to upgrade can lead to sluggish performance that drives potential customers away and hinders your revenue growth. 

Security Vulnerabilities

Second, transitioning to Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 is crucial to address the ever-growing concerns of security. Moreover, older versions of Adobe Commerce may not have the latest security patches, leaving your site vulnerable to cyber threats. 

In today’s digital age, security is paramount, and customers need to know that their data is safe when shopping on your site. Therefore, upgrading to the latest version ensures that your eCommerce platform is equipped with robust security measures, safeguarding both your business and your customers’ trust. 

Limited Functionality 

Thirdly, as technology evolves, older versions of Adobe Commerce may not integrate well with new third-party applications or services. As a matter of fact, this lack of compatibility can limit your ability to innovate and provide a seamless shopping experience for your customers. 

Poor Mobile Experience

Fourthly, with the rise of mobile shopping, having a mobile-friendly site is more important than ever. Moreover, older versions of Adobe Commerce may not offer the same level of mobile optimization as the 2.4.6 upgrade. Furthermore, a 0.1-second improvement in mobile site speed can increase retail conversions by 8.4%. 

Negative Impact on SEO

Fifthly, site speed is a key factor in Google’s search ranking algorithm. Additionally, sites that appear on the first page of Google search results take an average of 1.96 seconds to load. In fact, by not upgrading, you could be missing out on potential traffic and sales. 

Increased Bounce Rates

Sixthly, slow load times can lead to higher bounce rates. Furthermore, a 1-second reduction in load time can decrease bounce rates by nearly 12%. Therefore, if your eCommerce site takes more than 4 seconds to load, 63% of shoppers will bounce. 


Signs Your Adobe Store Needs an Upgrade

Recognizing the signs that your Adobe Commerce store needs an upgrade is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge in the eCommerce landscape. 

Here are some indicators that it might be time for you to consider upgrading to the latest version of Adobe Commerce 2.4.6: 

Dip in Sales Conversion Rate

The average eCommerce conversion rate is around 5.2%. According to Invesp, the average global eCommerce conversion rate is 3.68%.  

The average conversion rate in the eCommerce market decreased by 0.91% from 1.65% to 1.64% in February 2023 compared to February 2022. 

If Adobe merchants notice a significant drop in this rate, it could indicate that their current version of Adobe is not providing an optimal user experience, thus affecting conversions. 

Henceforth, upgrading to the latest version could potentially improve the user experience and boost conversions. 

Rise in Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate

The average shopping cart abandonment rate falls between 69.75% and 85.65%. This statistic is supported by a Baymard Institute study, which reports that the average documented online shopping cart abandonment rate is 69.8%. 

If Adobe merchants see an increase in the shopping cart abandonment rate, it could signal issues with the checkout process. The latest version of Adobe might offer improved features that simplify the checkout process and reduce cart abandonment.   

Security Concerns

Security is one of the top reasons for upgrading. According to IBM, the average cost of a data breach is $3.86 million, which is far greater than the cost of mitigating this risk through upgrading. Adobe Commerce’s latest version comes with enhanced security features that help keep your store secure and PCI-compliant. 

Performance Issues

Performance is another top reason for upgrading. According to HubSpot, the first five seconds of load time have a significant effect on conversion rates, and every second of latency thereafter has a – 4.4% impact.  

Therefore, the latest version of Adobe Commerce includes performance improvements that can enhance your site’s load time and potentially boost your conversion rates. 

High Cost of Delay

The real cost of running an outdated version of any software is much larger than the immediate cost and can have a lasting impact on a business. 

Regular platform updates require less overall effort than performing infrequent updates due to the amount of accumulated technical debt that results from delays. By upgrading regularly, you can save on development time, effort, and associated costs. 

Need for New Features

Basically, the eCommerce industry is fast-paced and ever-changing. Upgrading to the latest version of Adobe Commerce enables your platform to be compatible with the latest features that can help maximize sales and conversions.  

Third-party Integrations

If you have numerous integrations with third-party systems (like OMS, ERP), an upgrade can ensure the smooth and efficient operation of these integrations. 

(Source: Adobe Experience League, HubSpot, Statista

Relevant Statistics Related to Upgrade 

  • According to the Adobe Digital Economy Index, eCommerce in the U.S. grew by 42% in 2020. 
  • The average eCommerce conversion rate is around 5.2%. (Source: The Unbounce Conversion Benchmark Report
  • The average shopping cart abandonment rate falls between 69.75% and 85.65%. (Source: Drip
  • The average eCommerce store sees a returning customer rate of between 20% and 30%. (Source: Richpanel

These statistics highlight the importance of keeping eCommerce platforms like Adobe up to date to ensure optimal performance and customer satisfaction. 

Why B2Commerce Recommends This Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 Upgrade

At B2Commerce, we believe in the power of staying ahead of the curve. That’s why we recommend upgrading your platform to the latest Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 version. 

This isn’t just about keeping up with the times; it’s about seizing the opportunities that the latest technology offers. 

Here’s why we think you should consider this upgrade. 

Boost Your Performance

With Adobe Commerce 2.4.6, you can enjoy 43% faster quick order add-to-cart performance and 50% faster B2B shipping methods. In an eCommerce world where every second counts, speed is your secret weapon. (Source: Adobe

Enhanced Security

Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 comes with 33 security enhancements that help close cross-site scripting (XSS) and remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities. In a world where 68% of online shoppers search for a product on Google before purchasing, trust, and security are paramount. (Source: Drip

Improved Quality

With over 280 new fixes to core code, your eCommerce platform will be running smoother than ever. Remember, a seamless user experience can lead to a 250% increase in conversions with 3D product images. (Source: Shopify

Streamlined Workflow

Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 introduces a new approval workflow for buyers with companies, making B2B transactions as smooth as B2C. With eCommerce accounting for 18% of all retail sales, a streamlined workflow can give you a competitive edge. (Source: Statista

Better Infrastructure

Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 supports Elasticsearch 7.9.x and MySQL 8.0. With 61% of online retail traffic coming from mobile, a robust infrastructure is key to handling high traffic volumes. (Source: Drip

How Can B2Commerce Help with the Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 Upgrade?

How Can B2Commerce Help with the Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 Upgrade

As a trusted partner of Adobe Commerce, B2Commerce understands the importance of staying ahead in the fast-paced eCommerce landscape. We believe that upgrading to the latest version of Adobe Commerce is a strategic move that can significantly enhance your eCommerce operations. Here’s why:  


With years of experience in the eCommerce industry, B2Commerce has a deep understanding of the challenges that merchants face. Therefore, we know that upgrading your Adobe Commerce platform can help you overcome these challenges and unlock new opportunities. 


As a partner of Adobe Commerce, B2Commerce has direct access to the latest features, updates, and security patches. Furthermore, we can help you seamlessly integrate these into your eCommerce operations, ensuring that you’re always at the forefront of the industry. 


Upgrading your Adobe Commerce platform is a significant undertaking. However, you don’t have to do it alone. B2Commerce offers comprehensive support throughout the upgrade process, from planning and implementation to testing and optimization. 

Custom Solutions

Every business is unique, and so are its needs. B2Commerce provides custom solutions tailored to your specific business requirements. Whether you need to enhance your site’s performance, improve security, or integrate third-party systems, we have the expertise to make it happen. 

Upgrading to the latest version of Adobe Commerce is an investment in your business’s future. With B2Commerce by your side, you can make the most of this investment and take your eCommerce operations to the next level. 

If you feel that you can’t carry out the upgrade alone, you can contact us immediately. We can help you navigate the upgrade services in a seamless manner.  

Our Thought 

At B2Commerce, we understand the challenges and opportunities that come with such an Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 upgrade. As a trusted partner of Adobe Commerce, we’re here to guide you through every step of the process, providing expert advice, comprehensive support, and custom solutions tailored to your needs. 

Contact our professionals to schedule a consultation on Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 upgrade. We’ll discuss your specific needs, answer any questions you have about the upgrade, and provide a clear roadmap for the process. 

You can follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about the latest developments in Adobe Commerce and the wider eCommerce industry. 

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